Friday 19 June 2009

The Pound in the Ground

Can you remember, when you were really young and even the smallest amount of money meant "treasure"? I took my daughters into town this week and each one was given a pound to spend by my wife (as a bribe...I expect) in return for their good behaviour.

My youngest daughter Maya-Rose and co star of The Hairy Plug Monster, managed to talk almost non stop about all the things she was going to buy with the pound, as if it was "all the money in the world", and when she finally did spend the pound on a fairly long ride on the static Merry-go-Round, I sat down to watch her and composed this little ditty - all about a child's joy, when they find treasure.

Lying there in the sand was a shiny new pound
It was small, thick and heavy and glowed from the ground
He bent down to look at the thing that he found
Had somebody dropped it?
Had somebody lost it ?
There was no one to ask
There was no one around

So slowly he picked up the treasure he found
It was cold, hard and heavy and but perfectly round
He wiped off the sand that was stuck to the crown
On the head of the Queen
Who lives in a palace
Looking quite proud
On the shiny new pound

What could he do with the treasure he found
And could he be the, richest boy in the town?
He thought of the things he could buy with the pound
A massive big house
Or maybe a mouse
Or a shiny new car
with big wheels going round

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